If her skin actually tents, then I would strongly suggest the ER. That's well 
past clinical dehydration, and into possibly leading to organ failure. If the 
choice is to continue at home, then it needs to be at least 5 ccs every 30 
minutes to hour. 

Sending all the best


-----Original Message-----
>From: Lance <lini...@fastmail.fm>
>Sent: Feb 22, 2015 4:55 PM
>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fwd:  [OT] two sick cats
>Thanks Marsha and Margo. 
>My mom has been getting water into Callie using a straw. She’s done it at 
>least two times today and plans to do it in another hour and a half or so. 
>I’ll have them check to see if Callie’s skin is tenting. 
>> On Feb 22, 2015, at 3:06 PM, Margo <toomanykitti...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> I've seen the red tongue thing in several cats, sometimes those with dental 
>> issues, but most often in cats that are very dehydrated. How are their gums? 
>> If they are wet and slick, then I'm wrong.
>> Obviously I can't see them, but my worry is that they _are_ dehydrated, and 
>> past the point where oral re-hydration is possible. I wish I had better 
>> suggestions, I guess that getting as much liquid as frequently as possible 
>> can only help.
>> Margo
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