The cats went in this morning. Sidney’s drooling and inappetence were almost 
certainly related to dental issues. His teeth were cleaned, and some teeth were 
pulled. Since he was under, they gave him nutrients. 

I’m a little concerned that they sent Metacam for Sidney. I would prefer my 
parents didn’t give that to any of their animals. It might not cause a problem, 
but if it does, it’s an understatement to call it serious.

Callie was hydrated, and they did some testing. I don’t know the details since 
I wasn’t there. Her situation is more uncertain.  The vet thinks she might be 
dealing with feline calicivirus, but it’s also possible that she has an 
autoimmune condition. They’ve put her on Carafate (Sucralfate) every six hours 
to help treat the ulcers.
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