Zander was just the most wonderful cat, Anne. My husband and I would have done 
anything at all for him. We loved him dearly and desperately and he loved us 
right back. We have been involved in rescuing strays for quite a while, and 
that sweet little boy was certainly one who made a huge mark on our lives.

We still ache for him. Our vets were happy to let us lead the charge on his 
care. My vet and another senior vet at Guelph Veterinary College, suggested – 
sort of joking but not completely – that I should write a paper on his 
recovery. I considered it, but I am so swamped at work, I never did. When he 
died, it took all the wind out of my sails.

I feel for your loss. The blame doesn’t lie with you but again, my frustration 
is that the vets should be at least offering Winstrol in a situation where 
there is profound anemia since it did wonders to stimulate red cell production 
with Zander, and I have seen it with other cats now. I remain unable to 
comprehend why the vet community would rather not tell us about this option, 
and allow us to have to accept death or euthanasia instead.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of<>
Sent: November-27-15 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grieving, and need to understand about felv


Thank you. I actually read quite a few of your posts about Winstrol. I am glad 
for you, and sweet Zander, that you found something to give him more time.. 
lots of love and living in that extra time, I am sure.
I am sorry for your loss, though. Seven years just isn't enough, but Zander was 
blessed to have your care and dedication.

I am hoping that my other cats will test negative, but if they do not, I have a 
wonderful vet, at another practice, who will work with me, I believe with my 
heart that she will. Thank you for sharing your experience! It means the world 
to us, when we can keep our furbabies healthier. How sad that some vets are 
afraid, or reluctant, about the winstrol. I agree, that treating, even if side 
effects are not so good, is better than their dying without trying everything 
we can.

my best
-----Original Message-----
From: Amani Oakley <<>>
To: felvtalk <<>>
Sent: Fri, Nov 27, 2015 1:53 pm
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grieving, and need to understand about felv

None of this is your fault at all. I too was given no hope for my Zander. It is 
the reason I was so angry with the vet community when I stumbled upon Winstrol 
and found it worked. I was then so stunned to find out that I hadn’t just 
accidentally “discovered” something new. The vet I spoke with (who had been the 
internal medicine specialist looking after Zander and pressuring me to put him 
down – saying that I needed to consider his “quality of life”) surprised me by 
telling me that he knew about Winstrol and that I had gone “old school”. He 
told me that they used to use Winstrol “years back” but had stopped when a 
report had surfaced suggesting that it might cause liver damage.

Then, after having proof positive that the Winstrol had done this amazing thing 
with Zander and brought him back from the brink of death, still I encountered 
vets who were resistant to using Winstrol. I couldn’t understand it at all. 
They preferred to put a cat down than to even TRY the Winstrol. Thus my 
conclusion that Winstrol has been “black balled” because of its association 
with performance enhancement in athletes. Seriously, nothing else makes any 
sense. When a cat is dying, whether or not a vet believes that there may be 
side-effects to a medication, it makes no sense to withhold something that MAY 
be beneficial when the end result is certainly going to be bad.

Anne, there is just nothing at all you did wrong. I sympathize completely with 
your guilt, because I too wish I had known more about Winstrol BEFORE Zander 
decompensated so badly. I think that because he did, the virus was allowed to 
continue attacking his body and left scarring on the heart – the cause of his 
death at 7 years.

My experience is the reason I found this group and was determined to share my 
experience. I hoped that sharing my experience might mean that others may find 
that Winstrol is helpful for their cats as well, and I have since used it in a 
number of other situations of cats given no hope. Obviously, it is impossible 
to know if Sam might have been helped, but you clearly did everything you could 
and gave him every chance.


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