You are on the right track.  All of us can only do what we know about and this 
group is a good one to help you.  Experience is a great teacher.  I have found 
that when i had a problem, going to the group first is the best route.

---- wrote: 
> I will definitely ask my vet, if my others should be positive too. I have 
> found that often, we know things that some vets have no experience with. Some 
> resent it, but some are humble and the animal is more important than their 
> egos.
> Anne
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amani Oakley <>
> To: felvtalk <>
> Sent: Fri, Nov 27, 2015 2:21 pm
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grieving, and need to understand about felv
> Zander was just the most wonderful cat, Anne. My husband and I would have 
> done anything at all for him. We loved him dearly and desperately and he 
> loved us right back. We have been involved in rescuing strays for quite a 
> while, and that sweet little boy was certainly one who made a huge mark on 
> our lives.
> We still ache for him. Our vets were happy to let us lead the charge on his 
> care. My vet and another senior vet at Guelph Veterinary College, suggested – 
> sort of joking but not completely – that I should write a paper on his 
> recovery. I considered it, but I am so swamped at work, I never did. When he 
> died, it took all the wind out of my sails.
> I feel for your loss. The blame doesn’t lie with you but again, my 
> frustration is that the vets should be at least offering Winstrol in a 
> situation where there is profound anemia since it did wonders to stimulate 
> red cell production with Zander, and I have seen it with other cats now. I 
> remain unable to comprehend why the vet community would rather not tell us 
> about this option, and allow us to have to accept death or euthanasia instead.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk []On Behalf Of 
> Sent: November-27-15 2:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grieving, and need to understand about felv
> Amani,
> Thank you. I actually read quite a few of your posts about Winstrol. I am 
> glad for you, and sweet Zander, that you found something to give him more 
> time.. lots of love and living in that extra time, I am sure. 
> I am sorry for your loss, though. Seven years just isn't enough, but Zander 
> was blessed to have your care and dedication.
> I am hoping that my other cats will test negative, but if they do not, I have 
> a wonderful vet, at another practice, who will work with me, I believe with 
> my heart that she will. Thank you for sharing your experience! It means the 
> world to us, when we can keep our furbabies healthier. How sad that some vets 
> are afraid, or reluctant, about the winstrol. I agree, that treating, even if 
> side effects are not so good, is better than their dying without trying 
> everything we can.
> my best 
> Anne
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amani Oakley <>
> To: felvtalk <>
> Sent: Fri, Nov 27, 2015 1:53 pm
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grieving, and need to understand about felv
> Anne
> None of this is your fault at all. I too was given no hope for my Zander. It 
> is the reason I was so angry with the vet community when I stumbled upon 
> Winstrol and found it worked. I was then so stunned to find out that I hadn’t 
> just accidentally “discovered” something new. The vet I spoke with (who had 
> been the internal medicine specialist looking after Zander and pressuring me 
> to put him down – saying that I needed to consider his “quality of life”) 
> surprised me by telling me that he knew about Winstrol and that I had gone 
> “old school”. He told me that they used to use Winstrol “years back” but had 
> stopped when a report had surfaced suggesting that it might cause liver 
> damage.
> Then, after having proof positive that the Winstrol had done this amazing 
> thing with Zander and brought him back from the brink of death, still I 
> encountered vets who were resistant to using Winstrol. I couldn’t understand 
> it at all. They preferred to put a cat down than to even TRY the Winstrol. 
> Thus my conclusion that Winstrol has been “black balled” because of its 
> association with performance enhancement in athletes. Seriously, nothing else 
> makes any sense. When a cat is dying, whether or not a vet believes that 
> there may be side-effects to a medication, it makes no sense to withhold 
> something that MAY be beneficial when the end result is certainly going to be 
> bad.
> Anne, there is just nothing at all you did wrong. I sympathize completely 
> with your guilt, because I too wish I had known more about Winstrol BEFORE 
> Zander decompensated so badly. I think that because he did, the virus was 
> allowed to continue attacking his body and left scarring on the heart – the 
> cause of his death at 7 years.
> My experience is the reason I found this group and was determined to share my 
> experience. I hoped that sharing my experience might mean that others may 
> find that Winstrol is helpful for their cats as well, and I have since used 
> it in a number of other situations of cats given no hope. Obviously, it is 
> impossible to know if Sam might have been helped, but you clearly did 
> everything you could and gave him every chance.
> Amani
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