
At 2 mg a day, a person would need a whole lot of vet pills to use on 
themselves. The normal dose for humans is 10 to 12 mg a day, and athletes use 
it at way higher levels to enhance performance. In any event, I would think 
that a vet could reassure themselves by just limiting the number of pills given 
over to a client to 50 or so at a time unless the vet knows the client very 
well, as mine do. Winstrol would hardly be the only vet medication that could 
be abused or sold if someone was of a mind to do that.

Zander was the only FeLV cat I have had, that I knew about anyway. I wouldn't 
be so adamant about the Winstrol if it hadn't been for my serial blood testing 
throughout the time I was treating Zander, first with other treatments and then 
with Winstrol. The Winstrol was absolutely tied to his steady rise in red cell, 
haematocrit, platelets, and retic count and whenever I stopped for a time, his 
results would tumble.

However, I have mentioned on a few occasions that I used the Winstrol on a cat 
with nasal sarcoma who was 16. Again, I had tried a number of other medications 
and treatments for her to keep her eating and to keep the mucous being 
profusely produced by the sarcoma, under control. She underwent radiation 
therapy, and the vet who was looking after her at the time was amazed at how 
well the Winstrol worked to keep her eating, and keep the mucous production 
reduced, and commented that the cats are often lost because of loss of 
appetite, both with this condition and with the radiation therapy. She lived 
for 3 more years with the sarcoma.

I used it on a kitten who had come from a feral colony, who was very very ill - 
running eyes, nose, incredibly high temperature, not eating, laboured 
breathing, swollen belly, with a number of others from her colony being 
diagnosed with FIP and dying. I had her on a number of things for a while, like 
antibiotics, prednisolone, fluid therapy, etc. and was not getting any good 
response until I added the Winstrol. Within days, she began to eat, play, her 
nose and eyes stopped running, her belly deflated and she was left with some 
laboured breathing but nothing else.

I used it on a kitten who had been given to me because he was considered to 
have a touch of the "wobbles" - thought to maybe be some cerebellar hypoplasia. 
Instead of that, I noted that his anal sphincter didn't seem to be working 
properly - it was "relaxed" and stool not properly formed and "falling out" and 
problems urinating (wrong places, but also retention and crying when he went 
into the litter box). In humans, these symptoms are consistent with cauda 
equina syndrome, which is the result of damage to the nerves in the lower part 
of the spine. Then my husband and I noticed that he carried his tail straight 
out and didn't seem to be able to lift it straight up and there was a large 
bump at the base of his tail. I took him in to the vet - surprise - there was 
nothing they could recommend because the apparent spinal injury wasn't 
significant enough to show on xray. I put him on Winstrol, and a very short 
time after that (2-3 weeks) his anal sphincter tightened up and his urinary 
control improved. We thought he was over whatever problem there was but we 
found that he would occasionally do something that would seem to reinjure his 
spine - eg - trying to jump on the table and missing - and then the symptoms 
come back. Another few weeks of Winstrol clears him right up. We took him in 
for an MRI and they found a very very small lesion in the spinal column, 
exactly where I told them to look. They are unable to tell right now if the 
lesion is potentially cancerous or is the remains of healed injury, and they 
have asked us to videotape him the next time he starts having neurological 
symptoms (which include an almost drunken walk at his back end) and to NOT put 
him on the Winstrol so they can assess the lesion when it is at its worst. In 
the meantime, he is doing just fine. I wonder what would have happened to this 
kitten had he landed in almost anyone else's house - he peed on our bed about 2 
weeks after we got him, and just kept peeing on the bed and on the couch, etc.  
All the while, I had the distinct feeling he didn't WANT to pee there (crazy, 
right??! Try telling the vet that you have the FEELING that the cat DOESN'T 
WANT to pee in the wrong place).

I have used Winstrol in a few other situations where a cat hasn't been feeling 
well or eating well, and I have gotten good responses every time.

I didn't get any response from the use of Winstrol on one of my cats who seemed 
to contract some kind of virus from the vet's office, and developed kidney 
failure. Despite being prepared to dialyse or try paracentesis, she passed 
away. Very very recently, I came across an article that described a newly 
discovered virus named feline morbillivirus, which causes tubulointerstitial 
nephritis in cats, which results in potentially fatal kidney disease. I think 
that this is what happened to my beautiful Aphrodite. She was fine until I took 
her to the vet one day for a regular check-up. She and a second cat I had taken 
in, both came down with a flu-like condition, and both seemed to finally 
recover after a month (but it was a serious infection, needing fluids, etc.) 
when Aphrodite relapsed and her creatinine shot through the roof. WInstrol 
didn't have any effect on her condition, after everything else was tried and 
found ineffective.

So, this is hardly a great number for a scientific assessment, but by count, I 
have found it has helped in 6 cats (4 of whom had no other options at all for 
treatment), and didn't help in 1 cat. Also, because of the close monitoring of 
the blood work I did with Zander, there is absolutely no question in my mind 
that it boosts red cell, platelet, and white cell production, in a case of 
nonregenerative severe anemia which required blood transfusions to keep him 


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Marsha
Sent: November-27-15 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grieving, and need to understand about felv

Amani, I think you already hit on the reasons for refusal earlier - the report 
about potential liver damage, but probably the bigger reason is that humans try 
to get hold of it for themselves to use illicitly.

What percentage of your cats that got Winstrol were FeLV+, and how many got it 
for other conditions?

It's too late for Peaches (FeLV negative with multiple myeloma), my little 
princess angel that passed on Sunday.  I had considered it for her anemia, but 
the oncologist suggested waiting until we knew how much she would recover just 
from coming off chemo.  Otherwise, we wouldn't know what Winstrol did and what 
changing her treatment did.  But even though her bone marrow was starting to 
bounce back a little, her kidneys went into acute failure, with BUN and 
creatinine so high their machine had difficulty giving an accurate reading, and 
they sent it to another lab on campus.  She was on fluids and a feeding tube 
over the weekend, and they were being cautious, but the fluids still began to 
put too much strain on her heart so they had to stop the fluids.  She was such 
a good girl, they didn't even have an e-collar on her.  Unless they took it off 
for visiting purposes...but I think I asked someone, and they told me she was 
doing OK without one.


On 11/27/2015 2:14 PM, Amani Oakley wrote:
Perhaps but that wasn't my experience, and if you go on line, you find others 
who find it extremely helpful for chronic kidney disease cases, just like you 
mentioned. But Marsha, if the concern is that the results were "lackluster", 
then what could possibly be the explanation for the pure REFUSAL to prescribe 
it? Obviously, it that was all there was to it, the vet could just say, "Well, 
I don't think you're going to get too far with this stuff, but it's up to you 
if you want to give it a try". Given that the option people often get with FeLV 
cats is zilch, then why not mention that it is a possibility, though not a 
great one. When I am sitting, balling my eyes out and the vet is telling me, 
"so sorry, there is nothing at all that can help" and "put him down for his own 
sake - you wouldn't want him to suffer", then I certainly expect that I should 
have been told about Winstrol. It's not like we have a lot of options with 
FeLV. None of the options are particularly great or can be relied on regularly, 
and most of the options are way way more expensive than the Winstrol.

Moreover, I find it hard to believe they got lackluster results. I have used 
this stuff now in more hard luck situations than you would believe, and I would 
say that in about 80% of the circumstances, I have had a good to an excellent 
result. Sometimes, I get no result.

I find it hard to believe that I just happened to be lucky.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Marsha
Sent: November-27-15 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grieving, and need to understand about felv

Maybe part of it is because of lackluster results for the conditions they 
*were* using it for.  I found 2 "old school" vets in my area that had used it a 
couple of decades ago, then kind of forgot it existed after it got harder to 
find.  One said she forgot about it because it didn't make that big of an 
impression on her.  She had used it for anemia in CKD cats, I think.


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