Wondering if anyone in the group has any experience with Epogen or Procrit ( and other such RBC enhancing drugs typically used with Kidney Failure patients)....   It's appears to be quite a bit cheaper when used for veterinary purposes than human....   As the go to drug for anemia in Kidney patients it would stand to reason that it " should" work for Feline anemia......    There will not be the same resistance to using this as we encounter attempting to procure Winstrol......

On Sat, Sep 17, 2016 at 11:58 AM, felvtalk-requ...@felineleukemia.org wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol (dlg...@windstream.net)
   2. Re: No Mail (dlg...@windstream.net)
   3. Re: non regenerative anaemia (Anna Summers)
   4. Re: Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol (dlg...@windstream.net)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 21:32:11 -0500
From: To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol
Message-ID: <20160916223211.2JALI.9765.root@pamxwww10-z01>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Last year I switched vets because mine was always out on a farm call and I had to drive over 30 miles to St Louis to an emergency vet. This new vet is there when I need her unless it is 2AM, and more agreeable about trying new and different things.

---- Ardy Robertson  wrote:
That is so frustrating. It would be nice if we could concentrate on getting our fur-babies better, and not have to battle vets who won't cooperate.
Doxycycline is a necessary part of the treatment if you ask me :)

One of my vets finally gave up and gave me the prescriptions that I wanted
for Tigg.


From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 1:22 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Amani, I did discuss my fears of stopping the Stanzolol but he told me basically that this is how we were going to do it. I also mentioned the doxycycline. Which I got just a shake of the head. I can't double up Bogeys meds because they only give me so much of it.until our next appointment actually. I'm not comfortable with trying to find another vet because the likelihood of them giving out Stanzolol is a turkey shoot. I feel a little helpless here. Hopefully she will continue to get a little better each time
on what he is prescribing for her. Thanks for writing.

From: Felvtalk  >

Date: Friday, September 16, 2016 at 12:26 PM
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org  "

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Sorry - I was looking at the wrong thing when I mentioned the lymphocytes. I
was actually noticing the MCHC going up (mean cell haemoglobin
concentration) which is also a good thing.

They lymphocytes have gone up, not down, and emphasizes the need for the
doxycycline in my opinion.


From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: September-16-16 12:21 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Subject: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Well we got good news at the vets office today. Not great but good. Bogey
was on Pred and Stanzolol for 14 days. The vet then wanted her off
(Stanzolol) for 14 days then back on to cycle her on it. Bogey then went
into heat on the 5th off day so I called the vet 4 days into her heat
because it seemed to be very hard on her. He had me go right back on the Stanzolol and her heat ended the next day. So what we had was 2 weeks on, 10 days off and been back on it now for 7 days. Her are her results from 9/16
and the ones from 8/24.


RBC                                                     2.57

HCT                                                     15.3

HGB                                     5.5

MCV                                    59.1

MCH                                    21.4

MCHC                                  36.2

RDW                                    23.7

RETIC                                  78.1

WBC                                    14.47

NEU                                     4.07

LYM                                                    8.83

MONO                                1.52

EOS                                                     .004

BASO                                   .010

PLT                                                      88

She did not have a fever today and had gained almost .75 of a pound since 8/1. She is still playing some, eating and drinking well. But still is wobbly and sleeps quite a bit. She is holding her own on this drug combo and the vet was very happy especially with the PLT, which I need to read about again. We are keeping her on it for 30 days this next cycle and rechecking then. (Although I will probably take her in before that because I am a

Just thought I would post this for other FELV+ owners incase you were
doubting this drug (Stanzolol) because of the potential of damage later in
life. Remember we must get them to "later in life" first.

Thank you all and best wishes.


_______________________________________________ Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 21:35:28 -0500
From: To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] No Mail
Message-ID: <20160916223528.7GR0Q.9769.root@pamxwww10-z01>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

No matter the caue of their death, we miss them. Sometimes I think I see those who have gone on and call to them, but of corse, they are not there. It is like with my mother and father, I start to tell them about an incident in my day and realize that I no longer can tell them. My chirppractor told me to write a journal about each day. It does seem to help.

---- Ardy Robertson  wrote:
To Marsha,
I'm so sorry that you lost Brock. It just happens to be the same day I lost my Tigger... April 29th. What an awful day. I miss him so much, as I am sure you miss Brock along with the other two before him. I now have a little girl - Topaz and she is negative and vaccinated. I hate FeLV and hope they can
cure it someday.

-----Original Message-----
From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:28 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] No Mail

I lost my final FeLV+ boy on April 29 of this year. Milkdud was my first FeLV+ cat, who arrived in the fall of 2009. Harley came a year later. Then Brock became Harley's companion after Milkdud died. Brock wasn't lonely after Harley died last year, as Harley had been after Milkdud passed, so I didn't look for a companion for Brock. Cancer took all 3, though Harley had a life-threatening URI 2 months before he got cancer, and Brock had a heart condition that usually claims feline lives within 3 months, yet
he happily survived a year with it.

Missing my sweet, sweet boys,


On 9/14/2016 6:17 PM, Lorrie wrote:
I've not had any mail from the group in about a month.
I hope this means you and your kitties are all doing well.
However I wonder if I've been dumped by the automatic system that claims I have bounced mail, which I do NOT.


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Message: 3
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 11:27:23 +0200
From: Anna Summers To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] non regenerative anaemia
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

from the people in this group they have seen winstol help - try it ?. it might help her ? I lost my girl last year , I asked the vet to get me winstol but by the time they found out about it , it was too late for mine. Its such a horrible virus ? hopefully one day there will be more treatments ,sending lots of purrs from us in Spain .
On 16 Sep 2016, at 19:33, dlg...@windstream.net wrote:

I have no experience with this as I have had no need for it, but others have had very good luck. I will add you both to my prayer list
---- Lorelli  wrote:
Hi all

My cat Sherpa is 18months old and Felv+. 10 days ago she was diagnosed with severe non regenerative anaemia. Haemocrit 12.7%. She has been trying hard, eating well and even hunting moths but went downhill 2 days ago. I was all set to euthanase her today when I stumbled across the comments on Winstrol. My vet was willing to try something similar as she couldn't get
Winstrol in the UK.  She injected her with Laurabolin today.

Did the Winstrol help cats with non regenerative anaemia? Are there any
helpful articles on it out there?

Also how long should I give it before I decide if it is working or not? I
don't want to prolong her suffering.

She is still alert and trying to live but off her food now. Vet has given her Mirtazapine that may help that. She is also on Veraflox for suspected
mycoplasma infection and Loxicom for fever.

Any advice out there please?



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Anna Summers
Tel :00 34 670671493

(Camino de Guerrero, 62)
El Palmar, Vejer de la Frontera, 11159


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Message: 4
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 10:58:29 -0500
From: To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol
Message-ID: <20160917115829.DQIFT.4512.root@pamxwww02-z01>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Dose Doxycydine have a long shelf life? It would be nice to get some ahead of time so you could start treatment right away. This would require cooperation from a vet, maybe online who could prescribe it for you and give instructions on how to administer it. It is not hard to learn giving shots or iv's if necesseray. Treating at home is less stressful and they have you for comfort, their own toys, beds, etc.

---- Ardy Robertson  wrote:
That is so frustrating. It would be nice if we could concentrate on getting our fur-babies better, and not have to battle vets who won't cooperate.
Doxycycline is a necessary part of the treatment if you ask me :)

One of my vets finally gave up and gave me the prescriptions that I wanted
for Tigg.


From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 1:22 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Amani, I did discuss my fears of stopping the Stanzolol but he told me basically that this is how we were going to do it. I also mentioned the doxycycline. Which I got just a shake of the head. I can't double up Bogeys meds because they only give me so much of it.until our next appointment actually. I'm not comfortable with trying to find another vet because the likelihood of them giving out Stanzolol is a turkey shoot. I feel a little helpless here. Hopefully she will continue to get a little better each time
on what he is prescribing for her. Thanks for writing.

From: Felvtalk  >

Date: Friday, September 16, 2016 at 12:26 PM
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia.org  "

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Sorry - I was looking at the wrong thing when I mentioned the lymphocytes. I
was actually noticing the MCHC going up (mean cell haemoglobin
concentration) which is also a good thing.

They lymphocytes have gone up, not down, and emphasizes the need for the
doxycycline in my opinion.


From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of
Sherri Godschalk
Sent: September-16-16 12:21 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Subject: [Felvtalk] Bogey's First Month on Stanzolol

Well we got good news at the vets office today. Not great but good. Bogey
was on Pred and Stanzolol for 14 days. The vet then wanted her off
(Stanzolol) for 14 days then back on to cycle her on it. Bogey then went
into heat on the 5th off day so I called the vet 4 days into her heat
because it seemed to be very hard on her. He had me go right back on the Stanzolol and her heat ended the next day. So what we had was 2 weeks on, 10 days off and been back on it now for 7 days. Her are her results from 9/16
and the ones from 8/24.


RBC                                                     2.57

HCT                                                     15.3

HGB                                     5.5

MCV                                    59.1

MCH                                    21.4

MCHC                                  36.2

RDW                                    23.7

RETIC                                  78.1

WBC                                    14.47

NEU                                     4.07

LYM                                                    8.83

MONO                                1.52

EOS                                                     .004

BASO                                   .010

PLT                                                      88

She did not have a fever today and had gained almost .75 of a pound since 8/1. She is still playing some, eating and drinking well. But still is wobbly and sleeps quite a bit. She is holding her own on this drug combo and the vet was very happy especially with the PLT, which I need to read about again. We are keeping her on it for 30 days this next cycle and rechecking then. (Although I will probably take her in before that because I am a

Just thought I would post this for other FELV+ owners incase you were
doubting this drug (Stanzolol) because of the potential of damage later in
life. Remember we must get them to "later in life" first.

Thank you all and best wishes.


_______________________________________________ Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk@felineleukemia.org http://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org


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