Today Simon is as cute as ever, though getting thinner by the hour it seems and quite tired.  I awoke this morning to him landing on my pillow from behind. He then laid his head on my shoulder and his front paw across my neck and went to sleep.  He started dreaming and gripping my neck with his paw, and his whiskers were twitching against  my neck.  It was very cute and I just lay there a long time feeling him sleeping against me.  When we got up he walked around a bit and licked some sour cream off my fingers.  He will not eat much at one time, so I have been feeding him every hour or so. I would guess that every hour or so he has about 3 fiingerfuls of sour cream and a few licks of liver shake and/or a few small bites of cat food.  It is enough to keep him alive, but not to maintain his weight or energy.  He looks less yellow to me, which is good-- hardly yellow at all, actually.  And he has stopped vomiting for now.  But he also looks paler (more anemic) to me, and he gets that pica thing from the anemia where he keeps wanting to lick stone and concrete and eat ash.
So I guess the answer is that he is alive and cute and purry and eating something and not vomiting, all of which is wonderful, but he is anemic and growing thinner and not eating enough, which is sad.  He maintained his weight and even gained weight for the first month of the disease, but largely because I supplemented his eating with syringe feeding. he is so much happier since I stopped, and I promised him that I would not do it again (and I would be wary of doing it so soon after he vomited anyway).  but the downside is that he now looks like he has cancer, and the weight loss probably makes him weaker.
Thanks for asking,
In a message dated 1/17/05 2:07:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thank you Michelle, How is our boy today?

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