It's actually just that he is a love bug.  He is a love bug to my partner too, and to just about anyone he spends more than 5 minutes with. he is a love bug to our dog Fern.  The vet tech who took care of him when he was hospitalized said she had a special bond with him, and my best friend from my old work place actually took a train from Boston to Waltham (about 25 minutes) to visit him in the hospital with me.  My mother also said she formed a special bond with him when she visited.  I try not to tell each person that everyone else says the same thing.  Until Simon got sick, I actually used to say that I loved him a lot and he loved me, but that he loves everyone indiscriminately and I am just the person who gets to take care of him.  In the last week or two I do think our bond has gotten more particular.  It's gotten more particular between him and my partner too, though.  In fact, he purrs the loudest, like a little motor, when we both pet him at the same time, and he gets upset if one of us leaves.  He has taken to following Gray to the door when he puts his boots and coat on the leave the house, and then looking out the glass next to the door for a while after he leaves.  he did not used to be in the main part of the house, so this kind of minute to minute proximity is new to him and us.
In a message dated 1/17/05 4:08:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Michelle, the bond between you & Simon is incredible. What a lovebug. Kerry

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