I syringed him a little bit of pet tinic tonight in case it might help.  he 
was mad but got over it more quickly than when i syringed food.

In a message dated 1/20/05 8:33:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Yes, the liver shake is supposed to have a lot of iron and be good for the 
anemia.  I just know that sometimes iron in foods binds with calcium, etc. 
etc.... I don't know enough about it to explain. lol. But I know I have to take 
iron and am not supposed to take it with certain foods etc....  I thought the 
pet tinnic might 'get into the system' more effectively.  But if iron 
deficiency isn't the problem it wouldn't matter anyway.
Will he let you put nutrical in?  My cats usually like that.  I don't know 
enough about nutrition to know that much about it all.  I assume since cats are 
carniverous and you're getting the liver shake and other meats in he should be 
getting what he needs.
Gotta go get Mama Kitty out of the turtle pond! >>

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