catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What vet is he staying with?  What is his age?  I had an offer from washington state, but that's too far for me to transport.  I'm on a national list though, so I might get some offers closer.
Also, contact Dr. Melinda Merck at Cat Clinic of roswell.  I think it's [EMAIL PROTECTED]
She can sometimes place positives, and she works with Good Mews.
I'm also on a list where there's a siamese rescue.  She might could help.
What's the 'story' on this cat? Where did he come from?


Thank you for the response. The kitty is staying at our vet
right now until we can figure out what to do with him. He
is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!! I hate for you to
take him on, even on a temp basis, if you are having the
probs that you are having with your kitties. I would
appreciate it if you could post it where you think it would
be helpful and let me know if you have any other ideas.
Thanks so much..


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