  My muted tortie Nina has IBD. She has been taking half a 
dexamethasone tablet every other day for it, and for asthma, for a 
couple of years. She was on pred for but became allergic to it.

best to you and your Gypsy,

----- Original Message -----
Date: Monday, January 24, 2005 4:41 pm
Subject: I'm losing my Gypsy

> Hello Everyone,
> I'm so distraught about my Gypsy.  She's the "feral turned house 
> cat" 
> that I've written to you about before.  She's had Inflammatory 
> Bowel 
> Disease since Aug of '04, and nothing I've tried has helped her.  
> I 
> given her Prozyme, Probiotics, Pred shots, Flagil, Benefiber, I've 
> even 
> started adding Colloidal Silver to her food.  She has wasted away 
> to a 
> walking skeleton and hasn't played in months.  The problem is 
> compounded 
> by not being able to put her in a carrier and take her to the vet, 
> it's 
> just too stressful for her (and at this point the sedative needed 
> to 
> allow her to be handled, could kill her).  Even the house vet that 
> came 
> out wasn't able to examine her.  He prescribed Methyprednisone 
> shots 
> (every 2 weeks), along with Metronidazole liquid that she took in 
> her 
> food for about 15 days before she started to refuse it.  I've 
> called a 
> highly recommended East/West vet that I hope will be able to give 
> me 
> more ideas.  I had tried putting her on a novel protein diet, but 
> she 
> stopped eating.  When I began giving her the foods she loves 
> again, she 
> seemed to gain a little weight, but this morning she refused her 
> favorites (salmon and liver).  I'm afraid I'm on death watch at 
> this 
> point and it's killing me.
> One of the most disheartening things about her condition, is that 
> I 
> think I'm responsible.  I didn't know the dangers at the time, and 
> I was 
> doing my best to protect her, but I think I inadvertently gave her 
> this 
> condition when I had her vaccinated.  She had been vaccinated 
> once, when 
> I first trapped her, and then spent months with my FeLV kittens 
> (before 
> I knew their status).  She was negative when I tested her, and I 
> had 
> them give her two more series of shots afterward.  The vet 
> (someone I 
> won't use again), mistakenly gave her a total of 3 rabies shots 
> along 
> with all the other vaccines and it was only a month later that she 
> started showing her symptoms.  I took a healthy, vibrant kitten 
> off the 
> street, exposed her to FeLV and then gave her IBD with too many 
> vaccines!  I can't tell you how miserable I feel.
> Thank you for letting me vent.  I'm so frustrated and heartsick.  
> I 
> don't think I even have the option of helping her cross.  How 
> peaceful 
> could it be for her to have a strange person trying to give her a 
> shot?  
> Not to mention, trying to find a vein to put it in.  I feel like 
> I'm 
> going to vomit.
> Nina

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