Oh Nina, I am so sorry.  An herbal or east/west vet would be a good idea.  Also, have you tried giving her L-Glutamine, which is an amino acid that helps build the intestinal walls? When our dog Nubi had terrible intestinal problems after radiation a vet told us to give her this. Also something in the drug store, over the counter, that is a nutritional supplement for humans with IBS/IBD and is fairly new.  I will look for the name of it. Both seemed to help her. I am not sure they are ok for cats, but it is worth checking. Slippery elm is good for diarrhea, nausea, and other problems and maybe could help? If you don't mind, I can post your message on the feline lymphoma list-serve, because there are a lot of people on there who have cats with IBD who might be able to help. Let me know if this is ok.

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