Thank you so much for the info on the L-Glutamine.  I guess I'm going to the health food store tomorrow!  I'd be very interested to read the abstract on it!

Barb Moermond wrote:
I give L-Glutamine to my boys (along with prozyme) because Smoky has had chronic g/i issues and Bandit's intestines showed thickened walls during an ultrasound (he had significant weight loss - he's a tall skinny guy at 10lbs and he was down to just over 8:( ) one of his kidneys palpated as being much smaller than normal too.  Anyway, you can get capsules or loose powder at a health food store or holistic pharmacy, no prescription needed.  I have an abstract on L-Glutamine's positive effects on the intestines somewhere - if anyone wants it (and I can find it), email me and I'll send it off-list.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Michelle,
I think I've heard that an new study has shown that Autistic kids (who also have a terrible time with diarrhea), have deficiencies of Glutathyamine (sp?).  Very interesting that L-Glutamine sounds so very similar.  I haven't tried it, haven't heard of it, until now.  I doubt my house call vet, will have heard of it either.  He's a very nice man, but isn't much of a help.  I'm sure if I need a prescription, he'll write it though.  It's very exciting to know there are things that I haven't tried yet.  I just hope she can hang in there long enough to keep trying.  I know you understand that all too well.  Please, yes, if you can find the name of the over the counter product, I'll ask Gracie's internist about it.  Now that you mention it, slippery elm had been suggested at one time also.  If it's what I'm ! thinking of, someone told me it's gnarl y tasting, and if Gypsy won't eat it, then I can't give it to her.  Of course, if there is something that is going to save her life, I'll take my scratches and force it down her.

I was out at a lesson and haven't been able to respond until now, of course it's okay for you to cross post!  I appreciate any and all help I can get.  You can copy and cross post anything I write, anytime you want to.


Oh Nina, I am so sorry.  An herbal or east/west vet would be a good idea.  Also, have you tried giving her L-Glutamine, which is an amino acid that helps build the intestinal walls? When our dog Nubi had terrible intestinal problems after radiation a vet told us to give her this. Also something in the drug store, over the counter, that is a nutritional supplement for humans with IBS/IBD and is fairly new.  I will look for the name of it. Both seemed to help her. I am not sure they are ok for cats, but it is worth checking. Slippery elm is good for diarrhea, nausea, and other problems and maybe could help? If you don't mind, I can post your message on the feline lymphoma list-serve, because there are a lot of people on there who have cats with IBD who might be able to help. Let me know if this is ok.

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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