You and Levi are in my thoughts Kerry.

Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the thought, Michelle, and the suggestion re Tender Vittles. I'm
trying every suggestion, and some of them did work on Fri evening as i think
I said--liver shake, roast beef, sour cream.
Since then all he's wanted to eat is sour cream--and only if it's off my
finger. He's eaten quite a lot of it each time--maybe 2-3 tablespoons, and
I'm glad about that. But it can't be doing much for him nutritionwise, can
it? I have a Q--I've noticed little clumps of hair appeared on the towel he
sat on. And I noticed a bald patch about the size of a quarter on his side
today. It seems like his hair is falling out. Does that ring bells with
anyone? Anyone know what that means?
In answer to, I think Sally's earlier Q, his hemocrit is 10.5, the vet said,
but she added she was speaking from memory........his anemia is not
nonregenerative she said.He won't take the Cipro compound chews.
He continues to isolate himself. He's moved back into the file cabinet so
he's facing away from the others. He seems to want to be on his own, which
means he's not getting any grooming or comfort from the others (as Caramel
on the other hand did). I did get another whiff of the odor that Caramel
had, and I personally feel the end is near, even tho I want to think
otherwise, after watching Caramel go down a similar route so recently.
As long as I can get him to eat something, I feel he's getting some quality
of life, but it's a far cry from what he had--he was always the 'fearless
leader' ready to play the Cat dancer and bat me when he felt I got out of
line with any of the cats by trying to stroke them or whatever. Now he's
pretty well motionless.
I feel very bad for the little soul. Please keep Levi in your thoughts. It's
not been a good weekend for him, and I'm very afraid for him.
Thanks for a! ll your support. It means such a lot.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Kerry, how is Levi today?

> I have been thinking about him and wondering what is happening. I also
> wanted to tell you that Tender Vittles is also something that piques
> appetite when he is not eating much.
> Michelle

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