I haven't had time to read all of the messages today.  Hugs to you and Smokey.  And yes, Belinda is right.  When cats are going into kidney failure they develop a very strong odor.  My vet said it was the toxins building up in their bodies.  My cat who died of kidney failure developed the smell very quickly when he went into failure, and eventually started having seizures from the toxins and at that point I made the decision to help him go.  He had kidney disease for years, but he went into failure, developed the odor and the seizures within a matter of 2-3 days. If that's what's happening Smokey needs IV fluids.  My vet let me do IV fluids at home because I didn't want to leave him in the hospital over the weekend with a strange vet, but he still got worse and didn't make it through Sunday.  I hope Smokey has some good time left with you.  I know how hard this is.  : (

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
He may be going into kidney failure, my Mikie did and he had a strange

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