Oh Michelle, there are no words to say how much I feel for you and Simon
right now. We are all with you and Simon, sending energy that will enable
him to bounce back.
It is so hard for you to watch him, knowing he is suffering. I know you will
instinctively do the right thing for Simon, whatever that is. I believe that
even if he doesn't want you to pet him, he is hugely comforted just by you
being there for him. That is the most loving thing that you can do for him.
You are his rock, and he knows that.
We're all here for you and Simon, thinking of you, and sending out prayers
and positive thoughts.
much love and many hugs to you both, Kerry

----- Original Message -----
To: <felvtalk@vlists.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 8:00 AM
Subject: Simon near death, please pray/send energy

> By the time Simon got to the oncologist's yesterday he was in bad shape
> had a hematocrit of just 8, which is close to a level that is not
> life-sustaining.  They did an ultrasound to see if he was bleeding, which
he did not seem
> to be. His spleen and liver are enlarged.  It is either the lymphoma
> over his bone marrow, which is strange because his WBC and bilirubin are
not bad,
> or a hyper-immune response to the lymphoma that is making his body kill
> red blood cells and platelets. They gave him a dex and depo shot and were
> to do a transfusion, but he fought the catheter being put in and could not
> breathe while he was fighting and his blood pressure dropped and they
thought he
> would die. So they sent him home with no transfusion, with instructions
> me to do he same amoutno f steroids I did the last time he seemed to be
> Gray had left to go home to care for the other animals, thinking I would
> waiting for 4 hours for the transfusion, so we then had to wait over 2
hours for
> him to return to get us.
> Simon drank early in the night and walked a bit to change places to lie
> but more as if he was restless than energetic.  His breathing is rapid and
> shallow, and he does not want to be pet or held, though he closes his eyes
> little if I put a finger on his forehead.  He meowed 3 times during the
> one meow each time.  I feel like it is obvious he is dying this time and
> thought of tranquilizing him and perhaps helping him along, but Gray keeps
> saying I was ready to do that last time and he rebounded and that maybe
> will do something.  Ironically, the feline interferon is due to arrive on
> Monday.  A part of me does want to see if he can make it until then, but
he really
> does seem close to death this time, in a way that, unknowingly to me, he
> not last time, in that he seems to take little to no comfort in anything
> including being pet, and he does not seem able to sleep much.  He is
breathing with
> his mouth closed, so he is not panting or anything, but if I am within 3
or 4
> feet of him I can hear his breaths.  And about a half hour ago his abdomen
> some really strange movements as if he was starting to convulse or
> but it was just a few times and did not involve the rest of his body.
> feels so strongly we should just let him be and stay near him and send him
> thoughts and pray for him, and I am wondering, again, if he is suffering
> no reason.  Gray says it is arrogant for me to think i know he is dying
> nothing will help, since I really did think that last time and he
rebounded to
> being so energetic and happy and stayed like that for a month.  I do not
> what to think. I know that last time I felt I could not get myself to
leave his
> side, and this time it is hard for me to be near him. Probably because he
> took comfort in my presence more last time, and now I can not really touch
> but just watch him like this.  I do not know what to do.
> Please send him prayers and energy, either that he rebounds quickly or
> quickly and peacefully.  And maybe, more than anything, that he is able to
> sleep and have good dreams, as he really does not seem to be sleeping much
> all.
> I may not be online much, as it was hard even to write this, but i wanted
> let you know and ask you to pray.
> Thank you,
> Michelle

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