I'm so sorry to hear of this.  The restlessness is common in beings of all species that are trying to die.  The signals the brain is getting don't make sense, the body knows that something is wrong and is looking for it, they may think they want food or water, but when they get to it the sight or smell of it makes them nautious because their digestive system has shut down.  It's hard to watch.  A very light dose of tranquilizer can help calm the restlessness (they use .5 to 1 mg ativan in humans - I have no idea if it's safe in cats - or how much you'd give).  He's probably not suffering, or in any significant pain if he can't settle down - he just can't quite get settled.
I think that you're right about his trying to die.  If you have some tranquilizer, you could give him just enough to let him get comfortable, give him some steroids (because of what happened last time, and because it won't hurt anything to give it a try) and let Simon do what he needs to do.
My prayers are with you and Simon - peace and comfort for you, and a speedy recovery or gentle passing for Simon if it is his time. 
Where there's Life, there's Hope


"If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning."

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