Happily, I've never had to deal with ringworm. One of my dogs had a suspicious wound on his face that had similar characteristics, so I had done some research. I thought I remembered Tetracycline being mentioned, but it's quite possible that I'm thinking of something else.


*Ringworm is a fungal infection. Treatment is w/ an anti-fungal, such as Griseofulvin or the likes. We also have used Nolvasan as a topical treatment in conjunction w/ the anti-fungal meds. Fungal infections do not respond to AB's.*
*Tetracycline is an antibiotic, with NO values to fight a fungal condition,*
*However, it is useful in treating Hemobart, but we have found Doxy much better.*
*Hemobart , just like ringworm is another difficult condition to treat effectively......................*
*It saddens me that our furbabies are subject to such horrendous things.*
*Especially the Felv+ kitties because their immune systems are already compromised, leaving them w/ a lesser chance of full recovery .(hemobartTheir poor little bodies sometimes don't have the capability to fight it off or respond to treatment.)*
** *Patti*

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