How terrible for little Melissa.  It is always hard but really is extra sad for the tiny ones to lose their lives so early.  And it must have horrible to see her bleeding like that. 
Hugs, Del
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: life spans of positives


I'm so sorry to hear about Simon.  He sounds like a
special little guy.  Take comfort in the fact that you
gave him so much love & care in his short life.

I had 4 positives, all from the same litter.  Two of
them passed on at ages 5 & 6 - about 1 year apart.  My
little Joey developed kidney failure & lasted about 2
months after the diagnosis.  Bethie died of FIP.  Amy
& Megan are still with me (they were named after the
children from Little Women), but they too suffer from
disorders related to their feline leukemia.  Megan has
asthma, which has developed into pulmonary fibrosis &
Amy has periodic infections.  They are around 9 years
old now & I hope to have them with me for many more
years, but I know their life spans are limited by
their disease.

Last summer I had an 8 week old stray kitten (Melissa)
who tested positive for feline leukemia.  I found her
when she was about 4-6 weeks old.  She had a terrible
upper respirtory infection, which responded well to
antibiotics.  She seemed fine after the URI cleared
up, but, unfortunately, she died about a month later.
One day when I came home from work I found her
bleeding from her ears.  I rushed her to the vet &
they determined that her blood wasn't clotting & she
was anemic & advised me to take her to the emergency
vet clinic for a transfusion.  The vet at the ER
tested her blood & determined that her levels (red
blood, etc.) were extremely low & she wasn't making
more cells, etc. & she had blood in her stool,
indicating she was also bleeding internally due to her
inability to clot - he told me the effects of the
transfusion wouldn't last more than a day or so & she
would probably die within the next 24 hours, so I held
her in my arms while he put her to sleep.  I've had
many animals pass away over the years, but her death
hit me very hard.  It's so sad to see an animal live
such a short life.

Have a good day & God bless,

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