My first positive lived until she was 6 or 7.  My current positive is about 6 or 7 (we think).  However,  my negatives that have died of various diseases, kidney, hyper-t, fatty liver, stroke, etc...were only 10-12.  Not that much older really.

If it is not too hard, could people let me know the ages of their positives
now, and the ages of positives who have passed? I keep being told that I was
being unrealistic in my hope that Simon, and my others, would live longer than
they did. I had heard of positives living as long as 14. My Jo died at age 3,
Buddy at age 18 months, and Simon was around 4. My largest grief right now is
about his suffering and what he went through, but I am also so grief-stricken
at how short his life was. And it was short, very short, at 4 years old, when
cats can live to 20. But I also feel like it was short for a positive, like I
should have been able to help him live longer than that. I am trying to
assess my expectations of this, regarding my remaining positives as well, and so
just want to know what the age spans really are for positives who are well
cared-for, so maybe I can be more honest with myself about what truly can be

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