Brenda - I am originally fm southern WI, Racine, just south of Milwaukee.  I left at 19 to follow hubby through his USN career.  Fm 1979 to 1999 we lived in northern IL and camped several times in northern WI - Bayfield and Woodruff.  Lake Superior is definitely too cold for me in winter, that lake is worse than Lake Michigan!  I love it in northern WI although my childhood memories of it are better before it became heavily populated.  When we were ready to retire and wanted out of gridlock traffic and northern IL clouds and dampness we moved down here.  Hahaha, we have had nothing but clouds, rain and cold for the past 1-1/2 months, an unusual lack of sunshine for here.
Prayers for good test results for you and rest from your long arduous day yesterday :)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 1:15 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Transporting Adopted Cat from GA to WI??


    I will respond to everyone's emails about Lovey later this afternoon.  It is 1:07 AM and after tests all day and grocery shopping, etc., driving home 45 miles after not eating (had fasting tests), I have been trying to read all emails about Lovey and get to bed. 

    I did email Jenny, Reghan and Tonya (on this list) that I authorized Jenny to take Lovey to Tonya's tomorrow and on to Christine if Tonya can't keep him until transport.

    I will be able to think later this afternoon after getting sleep and figure out what to do about transport.

    Btw, Del, I was born in Paducah, KY.  Small world, huh? :)  I am in northern Wisconsin almost at the tip of north Wisconsin across from Duluth, MN and Two Harbors, MN.  I live on the south shore of Lake Superior.  Check out my cheqnet web site below to see pictures of where I live.  I live between two towns equally (Port Wing & Herbster).  I live in Port Wing township, but I have a Herbster mailing address.  I live about 45 miles from Superior, WI and 65 miles from Duluth, MN and 300 miles from Minneapolis, MN.

    Thank you all so much for trying to help me save Lovey.  More tomorrow.


"The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching yourself." - Colette

Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven.  Heaven Knows We Need Them Here.

Del Daniels wrote:
Where is Brenda in WI?
I am in southern IL.  I have a rescue buddy in KY who will help if time works for him.  

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