On 1/29/2021 11:37 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
on the machine i am using right now i type "dnf install whatever", works fine for 15 years

That's great. (I use pkg on freebsd and it works very well.)

Aside from dnf not being 15 years old, not everyone is using that particular linux distro; heck, a lot of ffmpeg users aren't running linux at all (mac, windoze, freebsd, rasp-pi, etc).

Am 29.01.21 um 20:38 schrieb Wolfgang Hugemann:
that's what linux distributions forOnly relevant if you're running linux, and 
lots of people don't have the choice.

https://ffmpeg.org/ https://ffmpeg.org/download.html > https://ffmpeg.org/download.html#build-windows> so what is your
problem?As someone who does build ffmpeg (and other opensource projects) on windows, I know what's involved and it really isn't easy for the average user.
Nothing is going to change that.

you really expect from upstream providing binraies when they are even
not capable to tag source minor version when you can download
pre-compiled binaries anyways?What does that actually mean?

honestly - be happy that someone invests time to ensure it's buildable
at all on windows especially these days where you can use WSL, containers
and virtual machines
All of which need to be installed and configured.

no need for native windows binaries at allExcept the many cases where there is, 
and nothing is going to change that.

None of that addresses anything about whether an opensource project distributes their own builds or not. And since I doubt that ffmpeg (or vlc, or mozilla, etc) are going to change their minds, why get agitated about it?


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