Whew! That was fun and entertaining! I did find this statement:

>>Wool actually produces 27 calories of heat per gram of wool as it goes from 
>>DRY to WET! <<

It was on several sites. However, I'm going to ignore this bit of wisdom.  The 
text in which it was contained, had an incredible amount of spelling errors. I 
mistrust information, when simple words are spelled incorrectly.

I also found that particular phrase included in many of the sites I found. I 
don't know where it started, so I can't trace it back, to find out where/how 
the information was generated.

The best site, IMO, was this one:


scroll down to 'personal equipment' and click on it. 

I did try to do a google search on 'wet wool calorie'. Couldn't find a thing 
related to any of those words. This has happened to me before, when I try to 
google someone else's information. Days later, I can repeat the google search, 
and find what I was looking for. I'll try this search in a few days, and see 
what comes up.

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