Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
"Hank Roth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> quotes me quotin' him 'n sez:

>>> I am certain that if Air America did not fill the void in those markets,
>>> if there is proved demand
>> ..."if"??!? You haven't bothered to look at the ratings for WLIB New 
>> York,
>> or KLSD San Diego, or KPOJ Portland, or WXXM Madison. They've all had
>> significant increases in their ratings in less than two years, especially 
>> in
>> the demographics that are never attracted by all-fascists-all-the-time. 
>> If
>> Air America is legitimately in money trouble (and I'd never trust 
>> rightist
>> rags like the New York Post or Sun to provide honest evidence of such, as
>> you seem to), it's because their sales office is impotent, as their 
>> audience
>> development is already well ahead of any other talk radio operation that 
>> has
>> started from scratch in the last 25 years...

...I see you're avoiding admitting when you're simply blowing smoke to suit 
your prejudices. Acknowledgment goes a long way towards credibility...

>>> It isn't just their management decisions which put them in trouble - as
>>> bad as that was. It is also market share and perhaps their type of
>>> programming and some of their talk show hosts.
>> ...you obviously don't comprehend commercial radio, or you wouldn't be
>> mouthing off so much about "market share." Talk radio is not like music
>> radio, in that the format cannot be judged in short-term results. The
>> average for full development of talk radio formats is just over five 
>> years.
>> Air America hasn't even been on the air for two years, and its original
>> managers were Republican operatives who did their damndest to see the
>> company fail in its first month...
> Oh, come on. Cut the crap. The original owners where liberal

...horseshit. The original owners of Air America were Progress Media, who 
had bought out Sheldon and Anita Drobny's AnShell Media. The Drobnys are the 
liberal activists who had the original concept of a commercial talk radio 
network, but they had no hand in the development of what became Air America 
Radio once Progress Media bought AnShell's assets in the general idea stage. 
Progress Media was headed up by Evan Montvel Cohen and Rex Sorensen, two 
Republican operatives from Guam. Sorensen owns Sorensen Pacific 
Broadcasting, which operates right-wing talk radio station KGUM in Agana, 
Guam; Sorensen refused to put Air America programming on his own station 
when he was involved in the network's ownership. Cohen was the Chief of 
Staff for Republican Guam Senator Tony Tanaka, and headed up Tanaka's 
campaign for Governor of Guam in 1994. Cohen is documented as making bogus 
claims about Progress Media's finances to the network's staff. It was also 
Cohen that misled the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club of Brooklyn into loaning 
Progress Media money provided to it by the City of New York, creating the 
scandal that Faux News and its rightist cohorts have been hyping. Cohen and 
Sorensen were ousted from Air America after five weeks of mismanaging the 

> they got squeezed because the market has not matured for liberal talk 
> radio

...the market for liberal talk radio was supressed for over 15 years by 
rightist station owners and programmers. The effects of that suppression 
cannot be corrected within less than a tenth of the same time frame, no 
matter how hard you may want to believe otherwise...

> the left is fragmented; it just isn't one big monolith with similar 
> agendas and never was. The left doesn't attack
> each other because of differences in strategy; they attack each other
> because there is often a bigger divide between folks on the left than
> there is between an honest conservative and an honest liberal.

...and that divide, as you seem to be showing by your arguments on this 
thread, is primarily ego-driven rather than fact-driven...

> to call the original
> owners of Air America Republican operatives is something the Stalinists
> might say. It is balderdash.

...even when the facts are there to prove it, as I just outlined above??...

> Air America has a market to build and can afford to be more generous with
> a segment which cannot afford satelite radio and doesn't have broadband
> and includes those who in most cases have older computers and can only
> listen by downloading. I know many fall in that category but since Air
> America is young and building market share - or trying to, they can't
> afford to be Rush Limbaugh and charge for downloading (and incidentally or
> not, they are charging the same exact fee that Ruch charges for a download
> of his show (and access to special member areas on his site - which I
> understand Air American plans to do too.) Really stupid! Maybe in five
> years, but not now and not to do this to progressives.

...that's the first sense you've made on this whole thread, but even that's 
flawed by falsely assuming that Air America is the only online source for 
the material. It isn't; whiterosesociety.org has archived Mike Malloy's show 
since he was on the old i.e.America network, and Malloy has told Air America 
they can fire him if they don't allow Ben Burch to continue the archiving by 
his specific personal permission. They also archive WJNO's version of Randi 
Rhodes' show by their specific okeh. And most Air America affiliates have 
free live streaming of their own station's programming, and not all of 
these -- including WLIB New York and KTNF Minneapolis -- are owned by Chump 

>  You remember that word, don't you?

>> ...it most certainly is when your sources are the fascist blogosphere and
>> Faux News wannabe nests like the New York Post and Sun. That's like Lenin
>> and Trotsky basing Bolshevik policy on the scribblings of Rasputin...

...since you've responded to this point elsewhere, I'll merely save 
bandwidth and rebut in this single post. One can only put their trust in 
sources that have demonstrated they have an interest in keeping things clean 
and factual. Faux News and the New York Post have proven they have no such 
interest and will openly lie to gain support for Rupert Murdoch's personal 
political interests. Trusting them to report truthfully on their opposition 
is no less insane than trusting Joe Goebbels to report truthfully on the 
German Resistance forces during World War II. That you appear so willing to 
do so calls your personal credibility, and by extension that of this list, 
into question...

King Daevid MacKenzie, WLSU-FM 88.9 La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
heard occasionally at http://www.radio4all.net
"You can live in your dreams, but only if you are worthy of them." HARLAN 


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