Progressive News & Views (since 1982)

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, Hank Roth wrote:

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> Progressive News & Views (since 1982)
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> From: skywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> With all due respect, Hank, the "Standard" religions of the world have been
> at the root of many of the evils of the world. By religions, I mean the
> organizations of Church, Synagogue, Mosque, not the practice by individuals.
> And I doubt the three religions I mention are the only ones who commit these
> deeds.

FIRST of all, Jews are a culture just like Italians are a culture and the 
Irish are a culture. Call it a religion if you like because it is also a 
religion, but secularists do not consider it their religion, they consider 
it their culture -- and a good one at that.

  As for deserving anything, why should HAMAS and the ARABS who support 
them be entitled to anything? States did not come about because anyone 
deserved them. States were invented to further the exchange of goods 
between a federation of tribes with others and taxation was the means to 
grow armies to further that practice. I do not see a viable Palestine, do 
you? Even under a more modern understanding of statehood where people 
share cultures and land; I do that with my family on my own 10 acres and 
they share a piece of it but that does not entitle us to statehood. They 
are not economicly viable for statehood. . Democracy as their form of 
governance foisted on them by the West has - like it is doing elsewhere - 
become a reflection of the common will, their intention and behaviors 
toward others which is further proof they are undeserving of statehood.

The U.S. favors Israel because Israel is a partner with the U.S. Together 
they exchange goods and services. And the money you resent which is given 
to Israel (much of which is paid back) must be used to purchase things 
(usually military, but it can be other things) from the U.S., thus 
benefiting the U.S. Besides which Israel provides the U.S. with new 
technology and medical advances which benefit even you and Christians.


> This one has what that one wants. The other one doesn't like the fact that
> not everyone believes the way they do.
> I, for one, am opposed to any religion including my own, being a determining
> factor for whether individuals or groups of people are allowed to peacefully
> coexist or not.
> Specifically, the Jews have a right to a homeland. So do the Palestinians.
> For the U.S. to favor one over the other is wrong. It's just as wrong for
> Christians to claim the U.S. as theirs,
> Skywolf.

> I'm sorry. Once started I had to say more than one thing... (grin)
> HR
> On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, Hank Roth wrote:

     / o o \
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