Roman Kielich® wrote:
> At 23:03 16/11/2000 +1000, you wrote:
> >Roman Kielich® <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > if it is not visible, then it is not light. We call it radiation -
> > > infrared, ultraviolet, gamma, etc. Only light is visible, by definition.
> >
> >Not to be too picky here, but infra-red and ultraviolet radiation are often
> >called "light". :)
> >
> >Rob
> which I pointed out to be wrong. :-{))  <- it's a double smile!!

Only in a known incorrect Newtonian view of the Universe. What is
light to you may be infra-red or ultraviolet light to me depending on
how fast and in what direction I am moving relative to you. It is over
years since the special theory of relativity was first published.

The concept of visible electromagentic radation is distinctly more fuzzy
than you presume.


Jonathan A. Buzzard             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Sunderland, U.K.    Tel: +44(0)191-5153447

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