>       I won't disagree, I had similar problems with v.3 and a Yamaha drive
> ... but easyCD is all I've used, and since using v.4 with a Plextor
> drive, I haven't had any problems.

Probably the Plextor:) I've tried both versions and been unimpressed.

>       In any case, a point I wanted to make ... is that whatever software
> you might prefer, it should have a on/off switch for "verifying" after
> the write ... you'll at least get to know it isn't a pretty frisbee,
> and therefore the option to burn again, possibly at a slower speed.

I'm still using a 2x Ricoh. I occasionally enable verification with GEAR, but have 
never had a disk fail which has successfully completed burning, so mostly leave it 
 I index the images using the Creativepro free version of Extensis, so it gets checked 
that way anyhow.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 

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