        I've just had a failure, yesterday, with a Kodak Gold Ultima
CDR. I put about 50 images on it, sealed it, so that I can add more
later, came to re-open it and it will not allow me any more access.
I'm just using a Yamaha 4416 (I think) with standard Adaptec package.
Is there any GOOD recovery software for CDs? It seems a bit of a
closed shop.

        I don't actually use floppies for staorage it was just a size
for size comparison with the images.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Geraghty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: RE: Film Scanners and what they see.

> Chris McBrien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >         also the more images that we can store on a piece of
> > the more 'we' are liable to loose should the media fail. I can
> > get one image from my FujiFilm MX2900 Zoom onto a 1.44MB floppy.
> > could be argued that I may just loose one image if a disc goes bad
> > instead of say 400 if a CD becomes unreadable or God knows how
many if
> > a 22GB DVD switches on the 'Blue Screen of Death'.
> *sigh* Except that a CDR has better longevity than a floppy disk.
> Kodak Gold Ultima CDRs at something like US50c each, why use a less
> technology?  Extending the analogy, there's no reason why a 22GB
> medium couldn't be just as cheap in a few years time - no reason not
to have
> multiple backups of data.  Even now in the case of your fujifilm
pics, it
> would be a small effort to make several copies of the disk with 400
> on it.
> > At the University here in Aberdeen we have some George
> > Washington Wilson originals, still on glass plates. Have a look...
> >           
> Thanks for the link!  Some of the photos of Australia are
> Thinking of the earlier comment about not having a working CDROM
drive 50
> years hence - I wonder if we might forget how B&W (or colour)
> works - or not be able to procure decent materials because all the
> were put out of business by digicams and inkjets?
> Rob

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