On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 14:22:00 +0000, Tony Sleep wrote:

>The Primefilm 1800 is the basis of the Kodak RFS3600, BTW.

Tony, I know Ed wrote that, but I think it's not so simple...

I had the RFS 3600 on hand for testing and it looks to me that (may be...)
Kodak liked the film handling mechanism of the Primefilm scanner and
built a complete new machine around it. The resolution is different, and
both USB and SCSI II connections are stable and fast (tested with Mac G4/
500). Also, the film mechamism is just the right solution for some
special jobs like uncuted film strip or non-standard 35 mm frames (I
successfully scanned panoramic frames with it). The scans are not bad at
all but the software is so buggy and the GUI is so bad done it is almost
useless (to me anayway...).

IMHO Viewscan + RFS 3600 would be a GREAT combo, but as it looks like Ed
won't support it pretty soon, I have stopped considering that scanner for

Have a good day!

Raymond Carles

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