[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Isaac Crawford) wrote:

> Rob Geraghty wrote:
> > 
> > Dave wrote:
> > >Nikon scanners.  Specifically, I'd like to find out whether scans
> > >performed *without* ICE on the new scanners have the same problems
> > >with excessive dust and scratches as on the old scanners, or if this
> > >has been improved, and if so, by how much.
>       Hmmm... was the scanner *adding* the dust and scratches? I would 
> have a scanner that gets as much info off of the film as possible, and
> if there are dust and scratches on the film, they should be resolved...
> I'm funny that way...;-)
> Isaac

In a sense you could say that the Nikon scanners do add dust and 
scratches! To be exact any dust and scratches that are there are 
emphasised because of the LED light source that they use.

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