Jeez, I just can't win.  You complain when I quote information gathered
from what others tell me and post, and magazine and other sources, and
then you complain when I provide information based upon my own
experiences... what's a guy to do? ;-)

The stats I gave on the number of badly packaged parcels I have received
via ebay sales is based upon my own experience.  The same for the number
of sales involving misrepresented items.  They are estimates, not exact.

My experience is most people do not know how to package properly to
protect from the disrespect the shipping companies deal out.  My Dad
owned a mail order company during the majority of my childhood, and I
often worked in the "mail room".  I learned about proper shipping
techniques.  Today, I double them and stuff still doesn't always make
it! I also ran a company in the US for several years which was
exclusively mail order, and UPS was wonderful back then (early 1970's)
but when they went on strike we would be forced to use the USPS, and
they were "the beast that destroyed the world".  I think that UPS has
become far worse now, and the USPS has slightly improved, but not much.

Again, regarding ebay, caveat emptor, or... have Rafe do your buying for
you ;-)


rafeb wrote:
> At 12:40 AM 7/12/01 -0700, Art wrote:
> >Please read the paragraph below, which was in my earlier post.  Yes,
> >insurance is a no-brainer, bit have you ever tried to collect on
> >shipping damage?
> No, I've had no need.  I've bought nearly $2000
> worth of photo gear and accessories on eBay over
> the last couple of years -- cameras, lenses, etc. --
> and not had any problems with careless packaging
> or items damaged in shipment.
> To reiterate:  I believe you over-state the risks
> involved.
> rafe b.

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