On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 09:02:21 -0400  Norman Unsworth 

> Interestingly, I just shot 2 rolls of Kodak T400CN for a local 
> newspaper. I
> used Kodak mailers and when I got the pics & negs back, all the pics had 
> a
> pink cast

This is normal and correct with TMax400CN, an anti-halation dye. It occurs 
with the non-chromagenic TMax films too, but is largely removed by fixing 
and washing. It seems not to affect printing characteristics even on 
multigrade bromide (whose contrast is determined by the proportion of 
blue/green light). TMax400CN is lovely stuff, and scans beautifully IME.


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info 
& comparisons

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