I use Vuescan almost exclusively on a Nikon LS-30.

Depending on the image, I first use Vuescan's grain reduction if it doesn't
damage the sharpness too much.

Thereafter, in Photoshop or Photopaint I generally convert to LAB, then use
the median filter rather than Gaussian blur on the A and B channels, and the
dust and scratch generally works on the L channel where necessary.  If only
the sky is visibly grainy, I will generally mask it first and then apply the
L channel dust and scratch only to the masked sky.

Not a perfect result but generally very acceptable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Norman Unsworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: filmscanners: Grain, Noise, et al

| I wanted to seek the input of list participants into the question of
| minimizing grain and noise in 35mm scans. While it varies according to
| subject matter, predominant color, film type and speed, all scans seem to
| have some degree of grain / noise not found in the prints. I've used both
| Vuescan's ability to manually focus (actually, slightly out of focus) and
| grain reduction to reduce what I'm calling grain but obviously there are
| drawbacks in the form of reduction of sharpness, in either of these
| solutions.
| By way of background, I use a Minolta Scan Dual II, with Vuescan and I
| always scan at the maximum resolution (2820, I believe), usually 48 bit.
| Color and film settings I vary depending upon what will get me the 'best'
| scan.
| From a practical, rather than a causative approach, how have folks dealt
| with this issue, both in terms of minimizing apparent grain from scans and
| in improving (ie: reducing) the appearance of 'grain' in Photoshop?
| Norm Unsworth, Owner
| Clark Systems Custom Golf: Outstanding Quality and Value in Custom Golf
| Equipment
| 609 641 5712
| Please send email to me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Visit our Web Site at http://home.earthlink.net/~clarksystems

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