--- Anthony Atkielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert writes:
> > Wrong. You don't know what you are talking
> > about. Don't spread rumors that are not true.
> You should mention that to Kodak, since that is my source.  I thought
> that they
> knew something about film, but perhaps you know more; you should
> inform them
> that they do not know what they are talking about, before the spread
> any more
> misinformation.

Well, let's put it this way. I have been in the development team of the
biggest company producing these kind of CT scanners. I have also been
working for another company working with CT scanners for medical and
industrial applications. There have been a lot of test been done
regarding film safety.
What your problem is, is that you don't know what you are talking about
and just mix things up. I have always said that you should not put film
in check-in lugage. That's what all the mentioned articles say as well.
The articels say that such x-ray machines might be used in the future
for check-in lugage. Except for countries under very high security
(i.e. war etc) there won't be any such scanners because they are too
expensive. I could go on but you wouldn't believe me anyway and would
always have something to complain (which usualy turns out to be wrong
Oh, by the way, check out that sentence in one of the articles you have
mentioned: "Be cautious with short-ends and other film purchased from
re-sellers." Another reason to buy film at home from a source that you
know and have been working with before.
Oh, and I am going to add a filter to my email account...


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