2001-09-07-04:07:09 David Gordon:
> Planning on coming to the UK? If you do your film will be x-rayed. Or you
> won't leave.

Actually... I've been able to get hand-checks of film on the way out
of Heathrow the last two times -- after polite but dogged insisting.  I
remember reading somewhere that x-raying of film in UK airports ceased
to be strictly mandatory after Lord Snowdon had some film destroyed...

I had absolutely no luck with the authoritarian little pimple-faced
petit-bourgeois prick in his blazer of authority in a Paris airport.
It was all strictly by the film-speed numbers in the guidelines he'd
been issued; no room for individual variation.  But I've known a
couple of French folk who would only recognize established, agreed-on
published authorities (for instance, about medical matters) and
wouldn't even entertain the notion that people's individual
experiences might lend them their own sort of authority. Might be

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