Arthur writes:

> Then you either live in another universe, or you
> are severely sight impaired, or both.

All the machines have the same names, usually Noritsu, Fuji, or Agfa.

> I don't mind debating with someone who knows what
> they are speaking about, but some of your statements
> are so outlandish as to frankly be laughable, and
> this is not because you are breaking "myths" which
> I am dearly holding onto, it is because in numerous
> cases you do not have the experience to be making
> the blanket statements you do.

I just go by the results I see.  I don't see any difference between one lab and
another.  Developing film is not rocket science, after all.  Seeing the results
is much more persuasive to me than any amount of unsubstantiated assertion on
your part or on anyone else's part.

> Photo labs equipment and personnel have potentially
> hundreds of times more variability than a Color
> photocopier.  If you actually ever worked in a lab
> you'd know that.

I knew that already; but as I've said, the results are consistent.  So
apparently the labs are pretty consistent as well.

However, if you want to pay four times more and wait a hundred times longer for
your negatives, even though they come out the same, that is your prerogative.

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