On Jul 4, 2007, at 6:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> most of the automatic
> processing that is done by the scanning software has to do with
> things that
> one can already do in Photoshop such as levels and curves settings,
> saturation settings, brightness and contrast settings, etc. and not
> with
> things that are done with Camera RAW applications.

The biggest advantage to camera RAW over a scanner DNG is the ability
to change color temperature/white balance info. The rest is pretty
analogous to operations possible with any image in Photoshop. For
instance, I just opened up a shot I took of fireworks last night with
my D200. Going through the panes I can control White Balance, Temp
and Tint. Then Exposure compensations, including brightness,
contrast, saturation, etc. In the next pane I can control tone
curves. In the next I can add sharpening. In the next I can convert
to grayscale with HSL tweaks. In the next I can do split-toning with
Highlight and Shadow controls. In the next I can correct lens
geometry and CA. The next is camera color profiling and the final
pane is for presets. Really, the only thing I can do with Adobe
Camera RAW that I can't do with a DNG from VueScan is adjust the
white balance from raw sensor data. The rest of it works just about
the same whether I'm adjusting a scan or a NEF.


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