You would have to contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] to find out the company's 
official policy, but there is no option on their web-site to purchase 
any version earlier than 2003.

Mark D. Lew wrote:

> At 8:36 AM 06/20/02, David H. Bailey wrote:
>>You should only be able to purchase Finale2003 at this point, since they
>>only offer the newest version for sale officially.
> How firm is this "officially"?
> I recently acquired a "new" computer, a PC given to me by a friend who
> upgraded. To him, it is obsolete (about three years old, I think; Win 98)
> but it's still newer than the ancient Mac I've been using.
> Though I'm still keeping the Mac around for a lot things that I'm used to
> here, I do plan to move to the PC for things that are speed-intensive,
> including Finale. My plan was to cross-upgrade by getting v2003 for
> Windows, but my primary client recently mentioned to me that he's going to
> want to continue receiving files in v2002 format. I haven't yet discussed
> this in detail with him, but it may turn out that I'll need to purchase
> v2002 for Windows. Am I going to be unable to do that?
> mdl
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David H. Bailey

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