[Robert Patterson:]

>On Sat, 22 June 2002, "Michael Edwards" wrote
>> I've heard comments from various people
>> which seem to indicate that Finale is not easy to use;
>We should draw a distinction here between easy to use and easy to learn.

     I guess that is a point.  I probably hadn't thought it through to that
point - but, doing so now, I realize that I primarily meant "easy to use once
you know it".  If I become convinced it is the best program to use, I am
prepared to go through a period during which learning is difficult.

>The questions you should answer for yourself are:
>1. How exacting are your notational requirements?

     I suppose I would say they are somewhere in the middle.  I'm well beyond
totally standard, simple music, and I am fussy about what I do being just what I
want, and I have certain ways of organizing complex, multi-voiced textures,
which I am prone to creating in piano music, for example - but on the other hand
I very rarely use some of the exotic notation of the more radical kind of 20th
century music.  I do occasionally need things like bitonal or custom key
signatures, or bar-lines occurring in different places in different staves, or
different time signatures in different staves; and I seem to recall a time when
I even combined two different key signatures on a single staff (probably
compound and simple versions of the same metre).  But that's about as
non-standard as I'm likely to get.  (Things like these are only very occasional,
too; but it would be nice to be able to do things like that if I wanted to.)

>2. How much time will you be spending with the program?

     Difficult to say.  Until a year or so ago I would have said a great deal of
time; but I feel as if my life is changing direction and I am getting interested
in one or two completely new things, and it's possible music is retreating a
bit.  I don't know whether this is just a passing phase or not.  But I think if
I am to do anything about this at all, I have to assume I'm serious and will
potentially spend a lot of time using Finale.
     I guess that makes Finale worth spending some time learning properly.

>... just because a program is easier
>to learn on the front end does not mean it will be the easiest or most
>productive program in the longer term after you've learned it.

     I am more interested in long-term productivity than in immediate ease of

     Someone mentioned to me a program called Graphire Music Studio.  I've also
heard of Graphire Music Press, which I suppose is very similar (if not the
same).  How does that compare with Finale?

                          Michael Edwards.

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