Just to clarify Johannes's post.

Finale does not directly support non-aligned barlines. However, Staff
Styles provide a fairly simple workaround, as long as the two staves
have a reasonable lowest common denominator where the barlines coincide.
The only time you'll be reduced to graphically placing them is if the
barlines never (or rarely) coincide. Eg.: 2/4 at quarter = 71 vs. 2/4 at
quarter = 64. Staff styles will work well for, e.g. 2/4 vs. 4/4 (where
the quarter is the same). Even 2/4 vs. 3/4 (with the same quarter) is
managable with staff styles unless it is an extended passage. (For 2/4
against 3/4, the internal meter would have to be 1/4, and you would use
a staff style to hide the barlines you didn't want to see.)

Finale *does* support different time sigs in different staves, and
supports them quite well. (I'm speaking of different time sigs with
coinciding barlines like 12/8 against 4/4.)

Johannes Gebauer wrote:
> On 22.06.2002 16:20 Uhr, Michael Edwards wrote
> > I do occasionally need things like bitonal or custom key
> > signatures, or bar-lines occurring in different places in different staves, or
> > different time signatures in different staves
> Just be warned: Finale doesn't support this.

Robert Patterson

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