At 2:46 PM -0700 6/22/02, Linda Worsley wrote:
>At 11:19 AM -0700 6/22/02, Chuck Israels wrote:
>For learning harmony and voice leading in the 21st Century (and 
>according to your description of this man's music), I would assume 
>the seventh chord as the basic unit rather than the triad.  The 
>advantage of this, besides the fact that it would seem to suit much 
>of the material you describe, is that voice leading tendencies fall 
>into easily described and predictable patterns.
>This is a guide I have written for my arranging/composing students.
>First step:
>Include root, 3rd and 7th.
>Omit 5ths, 9ths, 11ths and 13ths.
>Keep the root on the bottom.
>Great, great post, Chuck. I'm archiving and saving it.  Terrific!
>Maybe a year from now I can use it with this student.  For now, he 
>doesn't know what a triad is.  Doesn't know what a "root" is.  (I've 
>used all these terms and described them, but because he started in 
>the middle and has tried to learn in all directions since, it 
>doesn't "stick" and he doesn't really "get it."  I have to start 
>from the BEGINNING, and somehow convince him to slog through all the 
>basics, performing enough exercises and samples that he and I are 
>both sure that he has it in his bone marrow.  Then we can start with 
>the kinds of things you described.
>On the other hand, he's very fast.  Maybe we'll get there by Christmas.
>Thanks again for a terrific post.

You're most welcome.

Assuming things are as you describe them, and this person is really 
not familiar with how harmony comes about, perhaps a demonstration of 
how chords come from the physical attributes of vibrating bodies in 
the harmonic series would indicate to him how roots, thirds, and 
fifths are related.  7th grade science class was a revelation to me 
in this respect, and I still remember the teacher.

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham  WA 98225-5836
(360) 671-3402  fax (360) 676-6055
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