Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> On 22.06.2002 23:22 Uhr, Harold Owen wrote
>>Dear Johannes,
>>Be sure to create a blank measure in all staves at the end of the
>>first document then use INSERT. This preserves spacing and staff
> That's what I have been doing, but it doesn't seem to preserve staff
> assignments of expressions, if that's what you mean.
> Johannes

I think the problem here is that if the staff names are different in the 
different scores you are combining, the staff assignments are lost when 
you combine.

A staff can only have one name, and when you insert music from staffA 
into staffB, then the name staffA gets lost.  So if there is an 
expression in the source score that assigns something to staffA, when 
that gets copied into the target score that doesn't contain the name 
staffA, Finale has no idea where to place it.  In other words, it 
doesn't remain attached to the "top staff" it remains attached to 
something called "staffA."

So one possibility would be to edit the source score so that staff names 
match those in the target score.  Then hopefully things will remain 
common between the two scores and staff assignments will stick.

If you have already tried this and it doesn't work either, then I have 
no idea what else to suggest.

Good luck.

David H. Bailey

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