As a "Simpleton" now trying Speedy I have realised what I have been missing
and I will persevere with my learning. A couple of questions- sorry to be so
boring to some experts!

I'm on PC, Fin2001d.   I will use MIDI when I mean 'piano' keyboard, and
'keyboard' when I mean  QWERTY.

I know if I hold down a note or chord on Midi I can enter keyboard 4,5,6,
etc and enter quaver, crotchet, minim. A great boon when entering Trom,
Horn, chords etc! Question- can I reverse the procedure? That is, somehow
hold down Keyboard 5 (f'rinstance) and play a series of different MIDI
chords to enter a series of different crotchet chords. I am aware I can do
this in Hyper, but my pianistic skills aren't good enough to play
rhythmically correct chords consistently.
If I hold down 5, then look to my Midi I find I have several measures full
of Crotchet rests! OOPS!

BTW I was somewhat surprised to see that when working on Horn, or other
transposed parts, I entered notes at Horn pitch or whatever and not Concert
pitch. No problem whatsoever in doing this but considering Finale transposes
for playback, mass-mover and everything else I was surprised.

Another question; As some will be aware I have recently upgraded my basic PC
and it's working well. Twice yesterday trying Speedy my system froze solid.
Nothing cleared it except UNPLUG power, and re-boot. It has happened only
once in the last year using Simple entry- but twice in one day on Speedy
which makes me wonder. Why does this happen and what is the correct
'unfreeze' procedure? UNPLUG power works, but you lose everything and I'm
sure there must be an "official" way to do this. No?

Regards, Keith in OZ.

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