Dennis --

At 6:03 AM -0400 6/26/02, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

>Eh? I've used them all, but try to avoid Kagi, which is a private company.

Most of the places (though not most of the total dollar volume) at 
which I use my card in the corporeal world are "private companies." I 
don't see how ownership of the stock in a corporation affects 
transactional security. Frankly, I suspect my credit card information 
is more secure with Marie's Antiques down the street than with Sears.

>I've have a PayPal account since it started (back when it was 
>and never had a glitch. Our most of our $20,000 in festival 
>fundraising was done last year with PayPal without a hitch. And at 
>least they and Digital River are public corporations, and PayPal 
>pays interest better than my own bank, and offers a debit card as 

I'm glad that you have had good luck with PayPal. The first receipt I 
have in my email Order Receipts folder for Kagi is from December 
1996, but I changed mail programs in the fall of '96, so I probably 
dealt with them before that. I have never had a problem.

>How are they associated with eBay

The reference to eBay was because Robert's other payment plan is 
through something call Billpoint who are described as "the online 
payment service for eBay." I know nothing about them. The few times I 
have tried to use eBay I have been inexorably steered toward paying 
with PayPal. This hasn't made me too happy with eBay.

>(Remember that nut case who put up a big anti-PayPal website?)

Was he perhaps a seller who had been  ...  poorly treated by them to 
the point at which he felt as though he had been abused with a 
wood-anchoring device?

Best wishes,


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