
I need to convert Mac FInale floppy files over to Windows Finale files.

I do not have access to a Mac, but I do have a great program that allows me
to read Macintosh files from floppy disks.

Some of the files convert perfectly, while others are unrecognisable.

Is there anyone out there who uses Mac computers who I could email one of
the questionable files to so as to find out what type of file it is. (It
appears as a Finale file in the browser). 

It would be ideal of someone from Australia could help as I have dozens of
files that I need converted. Once we establish that it can be done, I am
quite happy paying a fee for the conversion process.

Thank you for your assistance.

Paul Copeland
www.mp3.com/paulcopeland (51,000 playbacks and increasing daily)

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