At 9:08 AM -0500 6/29/02, Doug Auwarter wrote:
>on 6/29/02 2:46 AM, Noel Stoutenburg at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>  I've been using Zip disks for years and never had any problem.
>I'm glad to hear that. This seems to be the usual case, but with me it's
>been different. Over time the disks become corrupted, the computer almost
>always freezes when I eject a disk, and it was even causing printing
>problems. The Iomega tech support was horrible. They even suggested turning
>all my extensions off, then downloading new software from their website. I
>asked "How do you get on the internet with all your extensions turned off?"
>The reply: "Oh yeah...well...I don't know..." In view of the fact that my
>Windows machine can't read zip disks for my Mac, I can't use them to swap
>files between the two machines.

Actually, if you format the disc on the PC, the Mac will read and 
write to it easily. It's only Mac formatting that the PC chokes on.

Christopher (whose six year old son is happily ripping apart a dead 
ZIP drive as old as he is, that took an important disc with it when 
it committed suicide.)
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