Crystal Premo wrote:

> >>Over time the disks become corrupted, the computer almost
> always freezes when I eject a disk, and it was even causing printing
> problems. <<
> I had an external Iomega zip drive on my Windows machine for awhile, and
> experienced many problems such as freezing, gpf's, slow operation, etc.  On
> the other hand, those I know who have internal zip drives experience no
> problems.

I never had a problem with WIN 3.1, Dos, or WIN 98 with Zip drives causing
freezing; however, early on, since I opted to use external storage for most of
my work, I used the SCSI version of zip drives in most cases.  I think the
parallel port version of the Zip drive was somewhat more problematical.

I don't expect the ZIP drive to be around much longer, though.  The data about
the 100 MB external ZIP on the COMPUSA website suggests to me that COMPUSA has
discontinued the item; the external USB ZIP 250 is still a current item, but is

more expensive than an external (refurbished) HP CD-RW writer!


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