At 04:03 pm -0800 01.07.2002, Mark D. Lew wrote:
>I too find this alleged mnemonic bewildering, even after reading the
>explanation.  None of the proposed phrases fall naturally into the
>prescribed rhythm.  Sure, you could say the phrase that way anyway, but
>that presupposes that you already know how the rhythm goes, in which case
>why the mnemonic?

You're probably right. But when students first encounter cross 
rhythms they often find them difficult, and using these mnemonics is 
just one strategy that is thought to sometimes be of help. The theory 
is that these phrases when spoken naturally _approximate_ to the 
desired rhythm. Practising the difficult passage should eventually 
lead to mastering it, and if using the phrase helps to focus the mind 
does it matter if it's nonsense?


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