You're right that was the main point, but being able to type them directly
into the score rather than going through all that bothersome tool-switching
and dialog-navigating is also a boon.

The really neat thing, however, is that the same "pizz" entry selects the
proper samples for the 1st violins and the cellos just by what staff it's
on. You don't need to have different expressions defined for each. Try that
in Finale!

Richard Walker
Yokohama, Japan 

on 02.7.10 5:36 AM, David W. Fenton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 9 Jul 2002, at 13:08, Philip Aker wrote:
>> On Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at 04:50  AM, Richard Walker wrote:
>>> ... I can switch between pizzicato, mute, solo, tutti, and
>>> arco/nat samples just by typing the words above the staff (no
>>> fussy expression dialogs)...
>> is a great request and I think you should send it over to
>> MacSupport. Since we can already type in chords and lyrics, why
>> not be able to type in Expressions if that tool is selected and
>> there's a checkmark on a "Type Into Score" menu item? Cursor
>> changes to a pencil, click for the location, type, and press
>> <Enter> when done.
> Haven't you missed Richard's point?
> The point was automatic interpretation of those expressions, so that the
> strings switch to Pizzicato and back to Arco, just because the
> expressions are there.

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