Mark D. Lew wrote:

> Petty as it seems, this is probably what I dislike most about Windows. (It
> used to bother me that the stuff on the desktop insists on lining up from
> the top left, when I'd rather move some of them over to the bottom right,
> but I've pretty much gotten over that.)
> I'm using Win98. Maybe things are different now?

Since Win95, you can move the icons on the desktop anyplace you want 
them to go, then right-click an empty part of the desktop and choose 
Line Up Icons from the drop-down menu, and they will stay in the grid 
where you moved them to.

The only time they will move is when some ill behaved program forces the 
desktop to complete rebuild itself because the bit of memory that stored 
how the icons were lined up gets overwritten.  Or if you change the 
resolution on your desktop to a lower resolution and then change it back.

David H. Bailey

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